Connecticut Registered Agent

If you have a business or are ready to form one within the state of Connecticut, then you need a registered agent. This is a very important person who helps keep track of your legal documents so that you don’t have to. In this article, we’ll be covering everything you need to know about registered agents. You’ll come away with an understanding of exactly why you need one and how they can help you as well as what to consider when shopping for registered agent services. We’ve even got some recommendations for registered agent services in Connecticut.

What Is a Connecticut Registered Agent?

A registered agent is a point of contact for a business; they are sometimes called resident agents or statutory agents. This person will receive all communication and notices from the state of Connecticut on the business’s behalf. They will also receive all services of process for the business in the case of a lawsuit. The state of Connecticut requires all formal businesses, whether it be an LLC, corporation, partnership, etc., to have a registered agent. When we say require, we mean it; it is illegal for a business in Connecticut not to have a registered agent. This system ensures that businesses cannot dodge any responsibilities, such as annual reports. Because there is a specified point of contact receiving and notifying businesses of communication, a business cannot pretend it lost or never received such communication. The requirements for registered agents are not strict. In fact, you can be your own registered agent for your business if you want to. You can also have an employee, partner, or trusted friend be your registered agent. Anyone who is over the age of 18 and has a street address can be a registered agent. Of course, some businesses prefer to hire registered agent services, and we’ll talk more in detail about that later.

Why Businesses Need a Connecticut Registered Agent

We already mentioned that registered agents are required by law in Connecticut. Beyond that, businesses can benefit from having a registered agent in many ways. We’ll explain the many reasons businesses need registered agents as well as why hiring a registered agent may be more worthwhile than being your own registered agent.


In order for a company to remain in good standing, it must complete annual reports and other filings. A registered agent will maintain a compliance calendar and remind you when such filings are due. They may also help you file them. It’s important that a company meets these responsibilities by their due dates. If it does not, it may lose certain protections it has, such as limited liability. Similarly, there may be legal consequences, such as fees, that occur if a business does not respond quickly enough to notices of court summons or other service of process. A registered agent will ensure that a business receives these important notifications. They will also send reminders to ensure the business responds in a timely manner and doesn’t miss any deadlines.


The address of a registered agent becomes public record and can easily be found on the Connecticut Business Registry Search. Because of this, many business owners prefer to hire a registered agent rather than act as their own registered agent. It’s a matter of privacy. Many business owners do not want their personal addresses easily accessible. Not only will business mail be mixed in with personal mail, but their addresses now become easier for junk mailing lists to find. Furthermore, the internet has become intertwined with all aspects of life; most businesses are on social media as a way to market themselves and allow customers to connect with them. This also means that businesses, both big and small, may be subject to cancel culture. Should something go wrong, you definitely wouldn’t want random people having easy access to your home address.

Online-Only Businesses

Thanks to the world wide web, businesses no longer need to have a physical building. Many different types of work can be done completely online, and online-only merchandise sellers are part of the norm. We’ve all seen articles about how brick and mortar stores may be facing trouble due to the convenience and lower prices of online marketplaces. If your business is taking advantage of this and is online-only, then it likely does not have a physical address. If you don’t want to use your personal address, then hiring a registered agent solves this problem. All communication from the state will be sent to your registered agent (who will notify you), but your personal address is kept off of public records.

Irregular Business Hours

A registered agent needs to be available during regular business hours in order to accept service of process and official notices from the state. For some business owners, this is not realistic. If you work irregular hours and either cannot or do not want to change them to regular business hours, then being your own registered agent likely isn’t going to work out. This is another situation in which hiring a registered agent can be beneficial.

Organized Paperwork

A good registered agent does more than just receive important documents and notify you of them. They also organize these documents for you so that they are easy for you to access and peruse. Most registered agents immediately scan and upload official documents to a server where you can access them. If you act as your own registered agent, you could, of course, do this as well. However, organizing different documents can be somewhat time-consuming because you also need to keep track of important due dates. This is why many businesses opt to hire a registered agent. They feel that the cost is well worth the time saved and the peace of mind gained knowing that due dates will not be missed.

Locations in Different States

If you have a large business that operates in more than one state, then you need a registered agent in each state. Even if you’re happy to serve as the registered agent for your company, you can’t be in two (or ten) places at once. You will still need to hire registered agents for the other states in which your business operates.

What To Look for When Choosing a Connecticut Registered Agent

woman sits at desk and writes on paper There are a number of different registered agent services to choose from. Often, you’ll find a registered agent through a company that hires them and connects them with businesses in need. So how do you choose the right registered agent for your business? We recommend taking into account three main considerations: price, provided services, and time saved.


Registered agents aren’t that expensive, but it’s still important to consider the cost. Would you rather pay less and receive only basic services or would you prefer to pay a little more and get more? It’s also important to look for a fair price. If you can get a registered agent for $50 per year, why pay more for a different registered agent who isn’t offering any extra services?

Services Provided

Every registered agent will provide these basic services: accept documents on your business’s behalf and get them to you; maintain a physical address; and keep normal business hours. Most registered agents will get documents to you by scanning and uploading them to a server you can access. Most registered agents also track and remind you of important deadlines. Registered agents can do more than these things, though. Some will also accept normal business mail and even provide help hotlines for your business. The latter can be great for new business owners as they’re able to reach out and ask questions about any business-related struggles they’re facing.

Time Saved

The amount of or type of services a registered agent offers can directly affect how much time you save. Though registered agents are meant to process state and legal mail for your business, some will also process normal business mail. Just as with state mail, normal business mail can be scanned and uploaded for easy access. The amount of time these services can save you is worth considering when choosing a registered agent in Connecticut.

How Much Do Registered Agents Cost?

Luckily, registered agents are pretty affordable. In fact, they can cost as low as $50 a year. On the more expensive end, registered agents may cost as much as $300 per year. Being your own registered agent is, obviously, free. If you choose to hire a registered agent, you may also be charged for their help in filing annual reports. Of course, the cost to file will depend on the agent you’ve hired as well as factors such as the size or type of business you run; registered agents typically charge more to file annual reports for corporations than they do for LLCs.

What’s the Best Registered Agent Service in Connecticut?

If you’re looking for a registered agent in Connecticut, give ZenBusiness a try. Their registered agent service costs only $99 per year. The company is upfront about its features and charges and the Worry-Free Compliance service is top-notch. The Worry-Free Compliance service ensures that you don’t miss any deadlines for annual reports required by the state of Connecticut. You will be sent alerts and updates to keep you on track, but should you somehow miss a deadline, you’ll also be provided with the support you need to get your business back in good standing with the state. ZenBusiness is a fantastic option for registered agent services, but if you’re looking to compare services, we’ve got your back. Check out our article comparing all of the best registered agent services.

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